Monday, July 13, 2020

Shredded Chicken in Alfredo

Home from a 4 day, highly active camping trip....rocking a migraine; did NOT want to make dinner.
Was going to throw some chicken in store bought Alfredo and top some spaghetti. Plans changed when I realized I was out of "back up" Alfredo.
Had to make homemade sauce...but my heavy cream was frozen in the back of the fridge.  Grr, lol. So we had runny sauce. I used milk, but in theory this should be made with heavy cream.
Pasta (I used angel hair.)
Heavy Cream
Garlic Powder
Minced Onion
Canned Chicken (just easier for shredding. You can use any chicken. Just cook and shred.)
Sauté chicken with some minced onion, garlic and parsley. Shred while you cook.
Cook bacon until crispy and chop finely.
Boil Pasta.
Melt butter and add cream. Simmer, do not boil!
Add spices and parmesan.
Add shredded chicken and bacon to sauce mix.
Serve over pasta with broccoli!

Need more meal ideas?

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